Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Universe Sending Me Signs

So yesterday, this happened.

I took this as a gigantic sign from the universe that my memoir is going to happen. I’ve been working on a visual project for my nonfiction workshop – the memoir in pictures/images. I took the project one step further and created a soundtrack. I was playing this song all day.

I told Chad that Cabron captures the spirit of the memoir. He sang a few seconds of it for me. Totally made my day. It’s such a nice feeling when someone whose work inspires you turns out to be a humble, grateful human.

It’s very gratifying seeing the memoir taking shape. I’m a bit ahead of my timeline so I’m going to play around and organize the memoir both chronologically and thematically and see what works best. I still have the last part to write but I have written some flashes (500-800 words nonfiction pieces) about the scenes that make up the last section.

I want to make another movie based on my massive love affair with LaLa Land (what the end of the memoir is about).


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