Friday, January 11, 2013

Anxiety Girl

I'm very happy these days but I think that in order to feel "normal" I need something to worry about.  I'm having too much fun in he improv class, so I decided to torture myself in a healthy way (I have made a lot of progress in my 6 years in therapy) and enroll in a scene study/master class.

It's been a while since I've taken a class with Judith, this will give me a chance to delve into script analysis, do character work and give me the right amount of anxiety.  The classes themselves are hard for me because Judith really pushes you to challenge yourself and work from a place of truth.  I am taking the Woody Allen master class. The material is funny because it comes from a dark place. I know that Judith will push me out of my comfort zone to get an honest performance out of me and by the end of the class I will be a stronger and more confident director.

The link below gives a description of the class.

Judith Weston's Master Class