Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day of the Girl updates

Latin Horror did a recap of Hollywood Horror Fest 2014 - Morgan and I were interviewed by Tyger.

Another cool article mentions Day of the Girl.

I am so grateful that my $300 film was so well liked.

Mike Davis (one of the founders of the festival) told me he really liked the film mostly because you don't see The Girl's character portrayed in horror films or any films. It was a rushed conversation in between screenings and I wanted to follow up with more. He is right, you don't see The Girl; brown, fighter, ass kicker, survivor in horror films and that was part of what drew me to tell her story.

Chatting w Mike - photo MariethePhotographer

I hope we screen at more festivals but submissions are so costly. I refuse to spend more applying to festivals than I did making the film.

At some point I will post it on line, maybe Halloween 2014.

Red carpeting w Morgan - all pics courtesy of MariethePhotographer


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