Monday, December 6, 2010

That's a Wrap

I am humbled by the love, generosity and respect the crew bestowed on me and the actors. Everyone worked so hard to make this come together. I am extremely happy with the results. I got amazing performances from the four actors and the crew kicked ass.

I am eternally thankful and grateful to the following people; 
My good friends Laura Somers & Karla Legaspy who worked so hard for me, they made my job less stressful and having them around was a combination of relief and joy.

My husband who's had to put up with my hectic schedule, a house full of props, scripts and paper work all over the place, basically living in total chaos during our first few months as a married couple. He came out on both days to help me and be supportive. 

My crew, those amazing guys (they are big, strong men to everyone else), they came through for me once again. I am so happy to work with them, they made me and the cast look so good by letting us do our job in a safe and fun environment.

My most special THANKS go to Michele Serros for honoring and trusting us with her wonderful gift.

I will blog more but I got to get some sleep and be at work tomorrow bright and early. This movie's not paying for itself!



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