Thursday, January 20, 2011

Picture Lock

I will pick up the hard drive from the editor this weekend. We used two drives, one for the master footage and one for back up. You should always have at least one extra drive to back up your media.

Brian Sorbo (my gaffer) will do the color correction and the sound mix. Yes, the man has many talents.  I am hoping to have it all done in two weeks or less, depending on Brian's schedule.

In the meantime, I am planning my next film, see previous post for more info. I have the two main parts cast and I know who I want for the other roles.

I am very excited about the speed with which things are progressing. I want to shoot my feature film in 2012. I have an idea of what I want to do so I need to start outlining the new script.

Thank You all so  much for reading the blog and following the progress of the film.



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